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Book Flights in Brazilian Real

Buy Flights in Brazilian Real With Alternative Airlines

Search and book flights in Brazilian real (BRL). At Alternative Airlines, you can purchase flights in 160+ currencies and choose from over 25 different ways to pay.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

About Brazilian Real (BRL)

Created by the Brazilian government as ‘Plano Real’, the Brazilian Real has been Brazil’s currency since 1994. It is divided into 100 centavos. The symbol for the Brazilian Real is R$. Brazil uses the period to separate thousands and the comma to separate decimals. In 1994, the new Real was introduced. Alternative Airlines allows you to book flights in Brazilian Real. Pay in Brazilian Real with Alternative Airlines.

Alternative Airlines search form

How to book flights in Brazilian Real

Search for flights

Use our search form at the top of the page to enter your travel details including your departure/arrival airports, the days you plan to fly and the number of passengers flying. Hit the 'Search Flights' button to proceed.

Select the currency converter

If your default currency isn't set to Brazilian Real (BRL), you can use our currency converter at the top of the flight search form to search for Brazilian Real.

Search for Brazilian Real

You can search for any currency with our currency converter tool. To book your flights in the Brazilian Real, search for 'Brazilian Real' in the search field and select BRL.

Confirm your booking

The search results will now show all available flights with the cost of the ticket in Brazilian Real. You can also change the currency you're searching in with the 'Currency' filter above the search results. Click 'Confirm Selection' and follow the instructions on the next page to secure your booking.

Pay for flights with PIX

Book Flights in Brazilian Real with Pix

When you reach the checkout stage, choose PIX as your payment method of choice when booking with Alternative Airlines. Using PIX makes booking your flights a simple process. All you have to do is scan the unique QR code at checkout - it's as easy as that. Whether you're on a mobile device or desktop, you can complete the process seamlessly without the need to re-enter your card details. As long as your Pix balance or linked debit card has enough funds, you can proceed hassle-free.

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We’re super proud of our Trustpilot rating, but don’t just take it from us. See why millions of others love booking their flights through Alternative Airlines

Buy Flights in Brazilian Real FAQs

Can I buy flights using Brazilian Real?

When booking your flights, Alternative Airlines provides the ease of buying your airfares in Brazilian Real (BRL). Our user-friendly platform guarantees a smooth and hassle-free booking experience. You can effortlessly search for flights and complete the entire booking process, all while viewing prices in Brazilian Real, ensuring a convenient and straightforward experience.

How can I pay for my flights with Brazilian Real?

You can pay for flights using BRL through various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, online payment systems, and bank transfers. If you're looking to use Brazilian Real through the payment and transfer system, Pix that is also an option available here at Alternative Airlines.