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Book Flights in Vietnamese Dong

Buy Flights in Vietnamese Dong With Alternative Airlines

Buy your flights in Vietnamese Dong (VND) when you buy your flight at Alternative Airlines. We offer flights from over 650 airlines, with the option to pay in Vietnamese Dong on all of them.

Vietnamese Dong Notes

About Vietnamese Dong (VND)

The Vietnamese Dong (VND) serves as the official currency of Vietnam. Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula and is bordered by many countries including, China to the north, Cambodia to the southwest and Laos to the northwest. The Vietnamese Dong has the symbol "₫". The Vietnamese government, specifically the State Bank of Vietnam, is responsible for issuing and regulating the Vietnamese Dong.

Vietnamese Dong Denominations

The Vietnamese Dong is available in both coin and banknote denominations, making it suitable for various financial transactions. For everyday purchases, coins are available in values of 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 5,000 Dong. On the other hand, banknotes come in denominations of 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, and 500,000 Dong, providing a range of options for different financial needs.

Alternative Airlines search form

How to book flights in Vietnamese Dong

Search for flights

Start by using the search form at the top of the page. Enter your travel details, such as departure and arrival airports, travel dates, and the number of passengers. Then, click the 'Search Flights' button to continue.

Select the currency converter

If your default currency is not Vietnamese Dong (VND), you can use our currency converter tool located at the top of the flight search form to switch to Vietnamese Dong.

Search for Vietnamese Dong

You can use our currency converter tool to search for any currency you prefer. To book your flights in Vietnamese Dong, type 'Vietnamese Dong' in the search field and select VND.

Confirm your booking

The search results will display available flights with the ticket prices in Vietnamese Dong. If you wish to change the currency, you can use the 'Currency' filter above the search results. Click 'Confirm Selection' and follow the instructions on the next page to complete your booking.

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Buy Flights in Vietnamese Dong FAQs

Can I buy flights with Vietnamese Dong?

Of course! Alternative Airlines offers the flexibility to book flights in Vietnamese Dong or in over 160 different currencies. With our currency converter tool, you can easily choose the currency that aligns with your preferences, ensuring a simple and convenient booking experience.